Monday, April 18, 2011

Atmosphere: Family Sign

     Throughout the last 15 years, Sean Daley (AKA, Slug) of Atmosphere, has slowly established himself as one of the most talented, and brutally honest rappers.  Forgoing songs about Cars and Cognac, Atmosphere pens songs about drinking to the point of vomit, and Slug's tenuous relationship with his son.  Atmosphere has long been a refuge for fans of true hip-hop, searching for great music devoid of superficial trends.
    With Family Sign, Atmosphere continues the exploration of Slug's self pity and bad habits.  Typically, at this point, this could be considered schtick, but Slug is so well-spoken that it is forgivable.  Songs like "Bad Bad Daddy" portray him as getting shitfaced at a bar with his kids in tow.  Slug's words are poignant and mature, but par for the course.  Some fans might be let down by the abundance of gloomy ballads on the album, and the scarcity of self-deprecating humor. Many times throughout the album, Slug sounds like he has lost his perseverance, and is nothing more than a grumpy old man.
     The biggest Difference between Family Sign and previous Atmosphere efforts is the introduction of a keyboardist and a guitarist. The opening song, "My Key," announces a new frontier for the bands sound. A full band adds another dimension to the music, and serves as a great enhancement to the words.  Distorted guitars and haunting keyboards only augment Slug's world-weary raps.  Instrumental breaks also provide emotional buildup, and time for the listener to soak in the lyrics, which, in typical atmosphere fashion, often tell a story.  The full band, however, does not have the power to gain or lose fans, as Family Sign is still undeniably Atmosphere.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, this isn't the first album with keyboard and guitar. Take another listen to "You Can't Imagine How Much Fun We're Having".
