Sunday, February 26, 2012

Heartless Bastards: Arrow

      Heartless Bastards, of Cincinnati, Ohio, are a rare breed for modern music.  They are, plain and simple, a rock and roll band.  The band, led by front woman Erika Wennserstrom, has all the makings of a great rock band.  Their fourth release, Arrow, shows just how great they are.
      Arrow opens with the slow, languid, "marathon."  The droning and reverb of this song are the only traces of modern indie rock on the album.  From there out, the album goes straight into balls-to-the-wall blues and riffs.  The songs of Arrow are still introspective, dealing with love lost and complacency, but the songs do not pine and whine, but drive forward with optimism.  The glass is half full throughout the entire album.  The optimism is nuanced with the heavy, fuzzed out,  guitar.   Arrow remains consistent throughout the entire album, tirelessly providing positive energy throughout, climaxing during the final jam of  "Down in the Canyon." There may be no surprises in this album, but fans, new and old, will love listening to it.

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