Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Smashing Pumpkins: Oceania

     When I was 11 years old, I went to see The Smashing Pumpkins at, what was at the time, the Rosemont Horizon.  It was an amazing show,  and seeing that concert set me on track for a life obsessed with music.  In the past eighteen years, The Smashing Pumpkins have gone through more stylistic and personality changes than myself.  They have gone through drugs, disbandment, re-bandment, and megalomania.  Like a cat with nine lives, the band has always seemed to hang on by a thread, making albums highlighting lead singer Billy Corgan's ego, and downplaying his true talent as a grunge music with an auteur's sensibility.  After several vein attempts at relevancy, Corgan and crew have released Oceania, there best effort in well over a decade. 
     The first thing listeners must do, is accept the fact that they glory days of The Smashing Pumpkins have passed, and this is more of a Corgan side project, as he is the only original personnel.  Once preconceived notions and judgements are discarded, the listener will be able to enjoy a good rock record.  For Oceania, Corgan opts to not go off on a new tangent, but try to recapture his vision of Smashing Pumpkins.  The album swirls of powerful alternative guitar riffs, blended with textured symphs and synths.  Corgan also throws in his obligatory sweet songs.  Oceania seems to pay special attention to ensure all band members are represented; a clear effort to make a cohesive record, and more importantly, band.  What Oceania lacks in artistry, is tries to make up for in moxie.
     After several long years, and several pedestrian albums, Corgan seems to have found a level of comfort in his new band, and that comes through in Oceania.  The future of the Pumpkins is ambiguous to say the least, judging from the incessant member changes, but for now they can take solace in respectable album.  I, nor the world, feel the same way about the Smashing Pumpkins as that night at the Rosemont Horizon, but Corgan is working on changing opinions.

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