Thursday, March 15, 2012

Todd Snider: Agnostic Hymns and Stoner Fables

     Renowned singer/songwriter Todd Snider returns with a new album, that continues to show his slow, gradual, and tactful musical progression, with his new album, Agnostic Hymns and Stoner Fables.  For his latest release, Snider abandons his laid back folk sound for an alt-country grunge.  Snider still uses each song as a platform for a great story, but the stories are more tempestuous, to match the music.  Electric riff rock swirls around his decries of religion and politicos.  The music fuels the fire of Snider's outlandish and dire tales.  He still throws curveballs, however.  Case in point being "Precious Little Miracles," which lulls you into peaceful contentment before explicating the gross injustices between rich and poor.
     Despite the progression of Snider's music, fans will still appreciate Agnostic Hymns expected boxcar grandeur.  Throughout the album, songs frowning upon the system, and smiling upon getting high, are peppered throughout.  Snider's aforementioned grungy electricity enhances the stories being told.  Agnostic Hymns and Stoner Fables shows that, although he is more aged and mature, is still the same troubadour that has been lighting the mainstream on fire for almost two decades.
*apologies for the poor quality of the videos.  not many links available.

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